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#WeeklyQuestion - 2

Here’s my 2nd weekly question from Ka Reny:
What was meaningful story that happened lately in your life?

Many things happened lately, especially in hospital where I’m working. But now I’ll answer that question by telling a part of my story in fighting for master’s degree. As you knew before, I had registered for Tes Potensi Akademik in Institut Teknologi Bandung at May 28, 2016. I chosen ITB because it’s easily reachable from my home, so I didn’t need to exaggeratedly afraid of coming late as when I took my test in Telkom University. I didn’t want that unexpected experience happened anymore.

Two days before the day of the test, I checked ITB’s website to see where my class would be. How surprised I was! The test would be held in ITB Jantinangor, not in Bandung. ITB Jatingangor is further than Telkom University. I was so confused how to get there before 7 AM. I collected information of some alternative transportations included their price and schedule. Finally I made this plan:
4 AM – wake up
4.30 AM – take a bath
5.00 AM – go to travel shuttle
5.30 AM – leave Bandung, on the way to Jatinangor

The Day of The Test
I woke up earlier than my alarm, maybe because I really didn’t want to be late. I wore my purple jacket and ordered a Go-Jeg. 20 minutes had been passed, but the driver hadn’t come. I cancelled my order and reordered another driver. About 5 minutes later, the driver came, but now it had been 5.30 AM. My heart constantly prayed and kept in mind that everything would be fine.

Fortunately, because of Allah’s permission, I could be in ITB Jatinangor before 7 AM.
I did my best during the test. But at almost the end of the test, I realized that unexpected matter happened. I reached the last page of exam’s book, I saw 2 last questions left. But how astounded I was, because I found answer sheet showed that my empty answer wasn’t on 2 last number, but 4 last number. It meant I skipped 2 questions, but I didn’t know which that questions and I had no time to find it. I realized how careless I was. I really wanted to cry but nothing I could do but pray.

1 week after the test, I accepted the result. Felt kinda sad because my score still bellow from qualification of my targeted university.

This story’s so meaningful for me, because it taught me a lot of lesson. It’s not a matter in making a plan and begging to Allah about what we really want. We need to pray and do our best. But don’t forget, it’s His right to grant it or no.

Maybe this occasion didn’t seem good. It’s not compatible with my wish. But it told me how to keep good prejudice to His plan. Maybe I still need to learn much, fight anymore, and pray harder. Rainbow will appear in the end, Insya Allah.

Bandung, June 19, 2016
In a rainy day, with a warm blanked


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